Former President Donald Trump has capitalised on the “Let's go Brandon” bandwagon by releasing limited edition merchandise to his ‘Save America’ page – as anti-Biden chants continued over the weekend. Mr Trump’s website showed his team have released “extremely limited” t-shirts which will be given to anyone who contributes $45 (USD) or more to the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee. He has also released a t-shirt that reads #FJB. The phrase ‘Let's go Brandon’ has become popular at crowded events like football games after a video went viral a few weeks ago of race car driver Brandon Brown. He was being interviewed post-win when the reporter misunderstood the crowd chanting ‘Let's go Brandon’ when they were actually chanting anti-Biden slurs. Over the weekend crowd-goers continued the newfound popular activity of chanting the phrase as well as other slurs against the president. Videos over the weekend showed it has gone global with the chants occurring in Germany, as well as football games and concerts in the United States.